Tag: Technology

  • Soundscape I

    Silence of the LAN Many people remember the old noises from operating systems gone by. The bongos in Ubuntu, the chimes of Windows and Macintosh. They became a part of our lives. The beeps, whirs and clicks of computers created a soundscape that gave them  personality. However, as time goes  on computers make less noises.…

  • Pop!_OS retrospective

    $ Pop!_OS ~ stat / | grep “Birth” | sed ‘s/Birth: //g’ | cut -b 2-11 127 2021-07-24 Pop!_OS Install I installed Pop!_OS last year after completely borking my Manjaro install. I mean completely. The desktop wouldn’t load, there were corrupt files with no index nodes, and I had automated the login process so the…

  • Circuit Series

    Cities of silicon I’ve continued to venture into the exciting frontier of 3D computer graphics. Furthermore, I’ve been experimenting with modeling retro futuristic technology for a project. Computers are interesting to me for their function However beneath the chassis there is a living world of circuit boards. Moreover, they are like miniature cities driven to…

  • Qtile Chameleon Q&A

    What is Qtile Chameleon? Qtile Chameleon is a curated configuration for the Qtile tiling window manager.  Qtile Chameleon was originally a personal project. I began working on it in 2019 when migrating back to GNU/Linux. I use it for general desktop computing and graphic design. As the workflow matured I realized other people might want…

  • 3D: The Third Dimension

    3D Design 3D computer graphics is one of the most rewarding design spaces. You can use three dimensional graphics in many ways. For instance, you can create photo realistic scenes or convey abstract ideas in an accurate way. Moreover, computer generated images straddle the boundaries of fine art. For example, sculpture and painting could be…

  • Qtile Chameleon Update

    The Catalyst Early this month I updated my computer and rebooted, and all of my clever tweaks and automation turned against me. To be brief it was my fault. There were some issues with my Qtile config and issues with my filesystem.  So I took the opportunity to start fresh with a new operating system…

  • Emacs & Spacemacs

    What is Emacs? GNU Emacs is difficult to explain briefly. Mostly its a text editor. However, calling it a text editor isn’t totally accurate. Emacs was born out of John McCarthy’s Lisp programming language. As well as the progression of on screen text editing technology at MIT’s AI research laboratory. It uses its own implementation…

  • Qutebrowser

    Keyboard Centric Qutebrowser is the ideal web browser for the keyboard enthusiast. It uses a hotkey scheme  and command mode inspired by the popular modal text editor, Vim. It takes some time to learn but it quickly becomes second nature.  For the new user I highly suggest learning the basics of Vim via the Vim…

  • Qtile Chameleon

    Qtile Chameleon A pet project qtile-chameleon is a pet project of mine. It started quite a long time ago. It’s a config file for Qtile, a home page for FireFox and a bunch of shell scripts to tie it all together. My goal was to make Qtile my primary productivity tool. Moreover, I wanted a…

  • Khal a TUI Calendar: Procrastination in Python

    The Bazaar There are 3 things a digital calendar should do. First and foremost it should track the date accurately. Secondly it should be able to import and export to a standard calendar files . Third it should save and track events. I spent too much time trying to find a calendar that had all…