Tag: Technology

  • Project Spotlight: Diamond EP

    Diamonds EP The Diamond EP is a short Lo-fi Hip hop album. Moreover, It was my first music design project and a major learning experience. Initially, the Diamond EP was inspired by the passing of a good friend. They introduced me to many styles of music, and aspired to be a producer themselves… Style To…

  • Update: Qtile-Chameleon

    A Young lizard This post is to announce an important update to qtile-chameleon. I have decided to move the project from Debian to Arch Linux. When I started designing qtile-chameleon I was making an effort to switch from an Arch Linux based distribution of Linux to a Debian based distribution, Pop!_OS. I noticed I had…

  • Graphic Medley

    A Graphic Mashup I’ve been very busy designing. I’ve been revisiting techniques I’ve talked about before for example, kaleidoscopic images, glitch art, 3D computer graphics, and fractals. As well as synthesizing these techniques to create new concepts. I’ve been exploring a new fascination with color gradients, as well as revisiting some old projects like my…

  • 2D Fractals

    What is a fractal? A fractal is a self similar geometric object. For instance, the Mandelbrot set is a commonly recognized two dimensional fractal. In design, fractals are a bridge between the mathematical scientific world and the emotional aesthetic world. Moreover, they are logical objects that inspire awe. Furthermore, they represent artistic ideals as forms…

  • NeoVim a Fresh Modal Editor

    Vim Vim is a classic command line text editor. When you learn vim you feel like you know Kung-Fu. You realize that there is a superior way to edit text. Vim is an editor, but also mnemonic method of loci. It takes common tasks like changing a word and makes it trivial through mnemonic logic.…

  • Aerochrome a vanishing Curiosity

    Infrared Photography Infrared photography is the process of making photographic impressions on a medium that is sensitive to infrared light. Human visual perception lies in the range of 400 – 700 nanometer wavelength. Infrared light is beyond human perception in the 700 nanometer to 1 millimeter wave length. When we take infrared photographs it gives…

  • Distribution Hopping

    All good things Well it’s that time again after nearly a year and a half of Pop_OS I’m distribution hopping again. Pop_OS! worked well for my needs. It provided a stable medium in between the rolling release model and the stable release model that many Linux distributions follow. Everything was running smoothly until one day…

  • VOSK How I Blog With Speech Recognition

    Golem at the Gates Today I would like to share the potential pitfalls I see in the accelerated application of artificial intelligence technology and explore potential solutions. Overall, I seek to discuss how we can preserve humanity and coherence on the web. Specifically I would like to discuss how speech recognition can be leveraged in…

  • Glitch the Art of Malfunction

    Glitch is one of my favorite visual styles. The way technology malfunctions has always been interesting to me. I get a strange satisfaction when the tracking on VHS tape is off or composite cables on an old video game console fail to connect. The artifacts and distortion caused by these vintage machines has an electronic…

  • Initial impressions of Stable Diffusion

    Artificial Intelligence Text to art AI is big news in the world of graphic design. Tools like Stable Diffusion expedite processes like prototyping to an instant. Where before it would take hours of laborious sketching. Machine mind can mimic styles of the masters. Such great innovation invites even bigger controversy. Artists are stereotypically passionate and…