Tag: Qtile

  • Update: Qtile-Chameleon

    A Young lizard This post is to announce an important update to qtile-chameleon. I have decided to move the project from Debian to Arch Linux. When I started designing qtile-chameleon I was making an effort to switch from an Arch Linux based distribution of Linux to a Debian based distribution, Pop!_OS. I noticed I had…

  • Qtile Chameleon Q&A

    What is Qtile Chameleon? Qtile Chameleon is a curated configuration for the Qtile tiling window manager.  Qtile Chameleon was originally a personal project. I began working on it in 2019 when migrating back to GNU/Linux. I use it for general desktop computing and graphic design. As the workflow matured I realized other people might want…

  • Qtile Chameleon

    Qtile Chameleon A pet project qtile-chameleon is a pet project of mine. It started quite a long time ago. It’s a config file for Qtile, a home page for FireFox and a bunch of shell scripts to tie it all together. My goal was to make Qtile my primary productivity tool. Moreover, I wanted a…

  • Qtile: Pythonic Workflow

    Window Managers This article is a continuation of my recent software series where we’ve covered RSS Readers, Calendars, and Podcast Applications. All of my previous Linux Software centric articles have been concerned with alternatives to proprietary workflows. This article concerns something foreign to people who use proprietary operating systems. Today we’re going to look at…