Tag: Graphic Design

  • Planet Project

    Planet I’ve continued to learn about 3D computer graphics, and as I learn new techniques I like to use them to improve old projects. In this new render of a planet I used two new techniques. First, I used volumetric lighting to make the setting more atmospheric. Then, I used a partical simulation to emulate…

  • Pop!_OS retrospective

    $ Pop!_OS ~ stat / | grep “Birth” | sed ‘s/Birth: //g’ | cut -b 2-11 127 2021-07-24 Pop!_OS Install I installed Pop!_OS last year after completely borking my Manjaro install. I mean completely. The desktop wouldn’t load, there were corrupt files with no index nodes, and I had automated the login process so the…

  • 3D: The Third Dimension

    3D Design 3D computer graphics is one of the most rewarding design spaces. You can use three dimensional graphics in many ways. For instance, you can create photo realistic scenes or convey abstract ideas in an accurate way. Moreover, computer generated images straddle the boundaries of fine art. For example, sculpture and painting could be…

  • GNU/Linux A Designers Perspective

    Back In the Day I’ve used GNU/Linux since about Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake when it was released in 2006. Before that I had always used Windows at home and after the iMac fell out of favor for computer education I also used Windows at school. I remember the early days of Windows when Windows was…