Tag: GNU

  • Project Spotlight: Iris Color Scheme

    Iris Iris is a high contrast color scheme for the Alacritty terminal emulator. This is a project that I had been considering for a long while. Not just for Alacritty but, as a general design guide. A simple, complete color palette can be a great aid in creating consistent designs. Alacritty Recently I started using…

  • Update: Qtile-Chameleon

    A Young lizard This post is to announce an important update to qtile-chameleon. I have decided to move the project from Debian to Arch Linux. When I started designing qtile-chameleon I was making an effort to switch from an Arch Linux based distribution of Linux to a Debian based distribution, Pop!_OS. I noticed I had…

  • NeoVim a Fresh Modal Editor

    Vim Vim is a classic command line text editor. When you learn vim you feel like you know Kung-Fu. You realize that there is a superior way to edit text. Vim is an editor, but also mnemonic method of loci. It takes common tasks like changing a word and makes it trivial through mnemonic logic.…

  • Distribution Hopping

    All good things Well it’s that time again after nearly a year and a half of Pop_OS I’m distribution hopping again. Pop_OS! worked well for my needs. It provided a stable medium in between the rolling release model and the stable release model that many Linux distributions follow. Everything was running smoothly until one day…

  • VOSK How I Blog With Speech Recognition

    Golem at the Gates Today I would like to share the potential pitfalls I see in the accelerated application of artificial intelligence technology and explore potential solutions. Overall, I seek to discuss how we can preserve humanity and coherence on the web. Specifically I would like to discuss how speech recognition can be leveraged in…

  • Why ZSH?

    ZSH is the choice of shell for myself and millions of Macintosh users. ZSH or z-shell is a shell for Unix like operating systems. The shell is the oldest and most powerful way of interacting with your operating system. The shell of choice in Macintosh operating systems has been ZSH for quite some time. Prior…

  • Soundscape I

    Silence of the LAN Many people remember the old noises from operating systems gone by. The bongos in Ubuntu, the chimes of Windows and Macintosh. They became a part of our lives. The beeps, whirs and clicks of computers created a soundscape that gave them  personality. However, as time goes  on computers make less noises.…

  • Pop!_OS retrospective

    $ Pop!_OS ~ stat / | grep “Birth” | sed ‘s/Birth: //g’ | cut -b 2-11 127 2021-07-24 Pop!_OS Install I installed Pop!_OS last year after completely borking my Manjaro install. I mean completely. The desktop wouldn’t load, there were corrupt files with no index nodes, and I had automated the login process so the…

  • Qtile Chameleon Q&A

    What is Qtile Chameleon? Qtile Chameleon is a curated configuration for the Qtile tiling window manager.  Qtile Chameleon was originally a personal project. I began working on it in 2019 when migrating back to GNU/Linux. I use it for general desktop computing and graphic design. As the workflow matured I realized other people might want…

  • Qtile Chameleon Update

    The Catalyst Early this month I updated my computer and rebooted, and all of my clever tweaks and automation turned against me. To be brief it was my fault. There were some issues with my Qtile config and issues with my filesystem.  So I took the opportunity to start fresh with a new operating system…