Tag: cli
Project Spotlight: Iris Color Scheme
Iris Iris is a high contrast color scheme for the Alacritty terminal emulator. This is a project that I had been considering for a long while. Not just for Alacritty but, as a general design guide. A simple, complete color palette can be a great aid in creating consistent designs. Alacritty Recently I started using…
NeoVim a Fresh Modal Editor
Vim Vim is a classic command line text editor. When you learn vim you feel like you know Kung-Fu. You realize that there is a superior way to edit text. Vim is an editor, but also mnemonic method of loci. It takes common tasks like changing a word and makes it trivial through mnemonic logic.…
T-UI Launcher
T-UI T-UI Linux CLI Launcher is a text based launcher for android. The launcher is free, portable and extensible. It is distributed under the GPL with some reservations by its creator Francesco Andreuzzi. You can get T-UI on F-Droid. Shell phone T-UI is the ideal mobile environment for the shell dwelling Linux enthusiast. It comes with…