Tag: Art

  • October Sketchbook

    Inspiration I have continued to draw and experiment with techniques and styles. Most recently I have been inspired by the work of Mc Bess. He is a French illustrator I have been peripherally aware of since at least 2010. Since I first saw his work I was completely enamored with how he gets such thick…

  • The Pyramid and the Sphere

    In the valley of the pyramids something waits below the cyclopian monuments. Buried by the ancients preceded by nothing on this planet and forgotten to modernity. It’s surface perfectly smooth worn down by the infinite cycles of the stars. The sphere under the pyramid is a hypothetical, unfalsifiable enigma like Schrodinger’s cat. The question of…

  • The Modern Monk

    Narcissus rising What does it mean to be a modern monk in a house of mirrors?As reality coalesces from the luminiforous aether and the solidity of consensus is established we find ourselves trapped in corporeal space. We are jailed in a bardo of illusion where satisfaction is dangled in front of us like a carrot…

  • A Solar Sailor

    Adrift on solar winds Fungus or vegetable, man or machine, what waits in the darkness drifting through vistas of star dotted infinity? How many times will we fail to imagine it and reflect contorted images of ourselves on to it. This is my failed attempt at creating something alien. I imagine it would be partially…