Tag: Art

  • Graphic Medley

    A Graphic Mashup I’ve been very busy designing. I’ve been revisiting techniques I’ve talked about before for example, kaleidoscopic images, glitch art, 3D computer graphics, and fractals. As well as synthesizing these techniques to create new concepts. I’ve been exploring a new fascination with color gradients, as well as revisiting some old projects like my…

  • 2D Fractals

    What is a fractal? A fractal is a self similar geometric object. For instance, the Mandelbrot set is a commonly recognized two dimensional fractal. In design, fractals are a bridge between the mathematical scientific world and the emotional aesthetic world. Moreover, they are logical objects that inspire awe. Furthermore, they represent artistic ideals as forms…

  • Digital Kaleidoscopes

    Kaleidoscopes Kaleidoscopes are a civil derangement of the senses. An innocuous parlor trick that gives views into mirrored infinity. Kaleidoscopes are instruments as prestigious as the telescope and the microscope. It is an oculus that provides dynamic views of symmetry. Humans are bilateral symmetrical entities, and this greatly informs our concept of beauty. Symmetry is…

  • Project Spotlight: Wavey Shader

    I’ve been continuing my exploration with the potential of shaders in Blender. Recently I’ve been revisiting materials from the old projects in new contexts. Here I’ve taken the shader I used in the planet project and applied it to a flat plane. Then I began to manipulate the existing texture with noise patterns and distortions.…

  • Glitch the Art of Malfunction

    Glitch is one of my favorite visual styles. The way technology malfunctions has always been interesting to me. I get a strange satisfaction when the tracking on VHS tape is off or composite cables on an old video game console fail to connect. The artifacts and distortion caused by these vintage machines has an electronic…

  • Making Generative Art

    Generative art is a form of expression built upon algorithms. Generative art is a new form of collaboration between humans and machines. It is the use of algorithms to create aesthetically pleasing output. Generative art sometimes encompasses artificial intelligence machine learning and data science. However there are many more accessible avenues to explore generative i…

  • Initial impressions of Stable Diffusion

    Artificial Intelligence Text to art AI is big news in the world of graphic design. Tools like Stable Diffusion expedite processes like prototyping to an instant. Where before it would take hours of laborious sketching. Machine mind can mimic styles of the masters. Such great innovation invites even bigger controversy. Artists are stereotypically passionate and…

  • Planet Project

    Planet I’ve continued to learn about 3D computer graphics, and as I learn new techniques I like to use them to improve old projects. In this new render of a planet I used two new techniques. First, I used volumetric lighting to make the setting more atmospheric. Then, I used a partical simulation to emulate…

  • 3D: The Third Dimension

    3D Design 3D computer graphics is one of the most rewarding design spaces. You can use three dimensional graphics in many ways. For instance, you can create photo realistic scenes or convey abstract ideas in an accurate way. Moreover, computer generated images straddle the boundaries of fine art. For example, sculpture and painting could be…

  • Aquatic

    A Creature Lately I have been captivated by the peculiar. This is part of the reason for the long interim between this and my last project. Some of the things I have been working on in the meantime are too strange to publish. I wanted this drawing to convey a bublbousnous of the optical anatomy.…