Tag: 3d

  • Project Spotlight: Wavey Shader

    I’ve been continuing my exploration with the potential of shaders in Blender. Recently I’ve been revisiting materials from the old projects in new contexts. Here I’ve taken the shader I used in the planet project and applied it to a flat plane. Then I began to manipulate the existing texture with noise patterns and distortions.…

  • Planet Project

    Planet I’ve continued to learn about 3D computer graphics, and as I learn new techniques I like to use them to improve old projects. In this new render of a planet I used two new techniques. First, I used volumetric lighting to make the setting more atmospheric. Then, I used a partical simulation to emulate…

  • Circuit Series

    Cities of silicon I’ve continued to venture into the exciting frontier of 3D computer graphics. Furthermore, I’ve been experimenting with modeling retro futuristic technology for a project. Computers are interesting to me for their function However beneath the chassis there is a living world of circuit boards. Moreover, they are like miniature cities driven to…

  • 3D: The Third Dimension

    3D Design 3D computer graphics is one of the most rewarding design spaces. You can use three dimensional graphics in many ways. For instance, you can create photo realistic scenes or convey abstract ideas in an accurate way. Moreover, computer generated images straddle the boundaries of fine art. For example, sculpture and painting could be…