Dioptric Design
Hi I’m Willie, welcome to Dioptric Design. I started this website in 2017. Years later and there’s always more to be done. I am moving forward in new and exciting directions and exploring new avenues for artistic expression.
Recently I have focusing mostly on contemporary mediums. Specifically 3D computer graphics, photography, user interface design, and digital art. Hopefully you see something you like. Feel free to leave a comment or subscribe to the rss feed. Don’t have an rss reader? Check out the article on Lifrea. Things move slow around here but you wouldn’t want to miss out.
Thanks to those who have participated along the way. Check out the art work in the galleries. Please feel free to drop an email on the contact page. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me to continue making art. Thanks to all the developers who make the open source software used to produce the work.
Dioptric Design Est. 2017