False Color
Recently I find infrared false color photography fascinating. IRFC is a process that opens up a whole new world of possibilities. Moreover, It’s a look beyond what human perception is capable of recognizing. Furthermore, IRFC is a view into an unseen world. In this post I would like to share some false color photographs and, discuss my inspiration.
Instead of buying an infrared camera and film, I’ve taken to digitally retouching photographs taken with a digital camera. I capture images saturated with a certain hue end to manipulate. For instance, I will take a scene with plenty of green foliage, and swap green color channels. In the photographs I’m sharing in this post I’ve swapped the green channel with white. A change in hue can change the entire impact of the photo. I feel that this gives foliage a bleached bone aesthetic.
Electronic Bleach
I peruse this style because of an observation. I have seen albinism like this in plants near power stations. It seems the immense energy at these stations radiates into the surrounding foliage. This energy seems to be creating a chlorosis. The uncanny nature of this observation is confronting. Plants are receptacles of light, but instead these maladjusted mutants reflect light. The implications of this albinism makes one wonder about the subtle consequences of our influence on the environment.