ZSH is the choice of shell for myself and millions of Macintosh users. ZSH or z-shell is a shell for Unix like operating systems. The shell is the oldest and most powerful way of interacting with your operating system. The shell of choice in Macintosh operating systems has been ZSH for quite some time. Prior to this it was the FOSS born again shell BASH. Z-shell is a posix compliant shell with a pemisive liscence.
Because z-shell is the preferred shell of apple and so many users have it as default. It has a robust ecosystem of extensions. There are many package managers and plugin libraries for the shell. My favorite package manager for z-shell is oh-my-zsh. Oh my z-shell comes with many plugins, prompts, and themes out of the box. It provides a great template for customizing z-shell the and is largely compatible with other plugins. Some of my favorite plugins are; you-should-use, git, auto suggestions, syntax highlighting , history substring search, and auto notify.
Despite the robustness of options offered by the the oh my ZSH framework the I still use a prompt from outside of this ecosystem. The starship prompt has excellent defaults and adds another layer of extensibility to ZSH. The starship prompt is available universally for almost every shell on Linux. It provides a minimal interface that is even compatible with things like ZSH-vi mode. It gives the clearing coherent directory listing and does not take too much space by default.