Generative art is a form of expression built upon algorithms. Generative art is a new form of collaboration between humans and machines. It is the use of algorithms to create aesthetically pleasing output. Generative art sometimes encompasses artificial intelligence machine learning and data science. However there are many more accessible avenues to explore generative i art. For instance, Processing a Processing java framework from the processing foundation. Or alternatively, p5js a JavaScript framework which is essentially a stand in replacement for processing for web.
Recently I spent a lot of time with generative art. Be that in Processing playing with parametric equations and glitch art, or creating procedural textures in Blender. I see an unbounded potential in this relationship between computer in human creativity. The degree of technical competency required to interact with these systems is becoming lower and lower each day. Almost any general computer user could easily the avail themselves of this technology.
Where in the past we have divided art by different mediums. We now see distinctions emerging in the world of digital art. Where before vector and raster where’s the primary the distinctions between digital art the we now see the distinctions between generative and manual representations. This issue of representation is becoming more pertinent as they’re both the primary focus of computer science and art. Computer science focuses on representing binary as Unicode RGB and all the things we see on screen. While art represents scenes ideas and human perception through mediums like sculpture painting drawing dance etc. Both the creative act of coding and artistic creations are arcane to the end-user.