Foiled again

This is a image intended for use with the i3lock program and the script from u/wontonspecial. The script locks the screen and applies a blur to obfuscate the desktop. It uses the screen shot utility scrot to capture the desktop and imagemagick to apply a blur to the screenshot. Then the script displays an icon in the middle of the screen. Here is his reddit thread with more information.
This icon is one of the first things I’ve made in gimp since I began using it again. Its not perfect. I should have tried making it in inkscape as a vector. The edge of the black circle is very rough because of the rasterization. However, for the moments I see it it doesn’t bother me. The goal was to get a frosted glass effect and some transparency revealing parts of the desktop. I like the circular format. and the serif type face.

Here is an example the output of the script it uses the /uzenolijo’s modifications to the script to output the lock screen to multiple monitors with xrandr.
The Droidz You’re Looking For
The wallpapers in this screenshot are old so it was hard to find the original source with reverse image source. The dragon can be found here. Its apparently decoration on a Chinese temple. The other wallpaper is a photo of a gopuram, a Hindu steeple which is usually decorated with ornate statues. It came from the forum user masterfurbix in his thread here.
Droidz has been inactive since 2012 but its a fantastic window into what the online community for graphic design was like seven years ago. PhpBB bulletin style forums used to be ubiquitous but now all of that community effort and creativity seem to be getting more and more centralized to the big social media platforms.
If you are interested in Linux and Design check out my last post GNU/Linux a Designers perspective.